

Making music of all genres.

Full Power On.

Past and Future Releases

Here you'll find what has already reached the shelves. Plus some stories about the music! Click to read.

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will be revealed here

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The Spark Music Academy

- It all starts with the spark

The Spark Music Academy

If you had all the technical know how, what would your music sound like?

That music is the one that I believe the world needs more of. The original, the one that only you can make.

If you have ever felt a spark of inspiration, and want to be able to express that inspiration through instruments, I can't wait to provide you an alternative way of learning how to play music.

A way that keeps theory to an absolute minimum, and the playing experience to a maximum.

A way that helps you speak the language of music freely without the need for a script or somebody elses words.

A way that above all stays in touch with that spark.


The Spark that is uniquely yours and noone else has.

About Me

Oliver Ganslandt

Music Producer & Instrumentalist

Freedom Recordings is the perfect container for a special purpose. It is the umbrella where you can find all of my music, and it is wide enough to contain everything. From House to Jamcore to Swedish folk-ish ballads - all comming from the same spark. It's the spark that is the main compass, the north star throughout all of my musical projects, be it reggae - or something not cleanly falling into any currently established genre. It's the spark that leads the way - all these lables come afterwards.

Here you will also find everything about my music courses.

Contact Me Directly


"Just the intense desire to be engulfed within the creative universe and express whatever way I feel."
